Yes, I'm addicted to coffee... get over it! For all my caffeine addicts, G&B is a definite must-try! Their coffee is distinctly sweet, and has no acidic/bitter taste that most coffee including Starbucks coffee has. I found out about G&B while roaming around the Grand Central Market in Downtown Los Angeles, and let me tell you, am I glad I did. As I looked around I saw everyone approaching what looked like a cocktail bar, and ordering like they were ordering at a bar or pub. The staff greets you with the biggest smiles, and gladly helps you choose the right drink. I love iced coffee, and have always believed in the fact that you can tell how good a coffee is by tasting it black with nothing in it. So as a brave soul, I ordered a iced coffee black, with no additives. My first sip and I was hooked! It was so delicately fragrant and had no acidic after taste which is something that most iced coffees have. I finished the drink within 10 mins and like usual managed to get a couple drops of it on my white tee. The customers around me were ordering almond and coconut cappuccinos which smelled delightful and is something I will have to try my next time there. If you're like me and you love black coffee when its done right, head on over to G&B and grab yourself a cup of joe!